Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old are you?
A: Twenty-two

Q: Where are you from?
A: A small little town in deep South Texas.

Q:/ What Camera / Lens do you use? 
A: I use a variety of cameras to be honest. I either use my Canon 600D, Canon 5D Mark iii or my Canon G7X. Depending on the photo look I am trying to achieve, I decide what camera I will use. I mostly use my 600D and G7X since it's more smaller and just easy. I use my 5D for Portraits. Lens wise, I use a Canon 85mm 1.4, 50mm 1.2, or my Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art! 

Q: What photo / video editing program do you use?
A: I use Photoshop CC for photos and depending on what computer I'm on I either use Final Cut Pro X on Mac or Sony Vegas Pro 13 on Windows for video editing.
